Sexy shuffles, blue-tinted love songs, deviant country ditties,
raucous rock ’n’ roll, and various and sundry other musical offerings.

About Jimding
Jimding brings together three old souls who’ve paid their dues — blues growler Jim Wake on lead vocals, guitar and blues harp, with Nico Hart on bass, and John den Exter on percussion. In an extensive repertoire of originals that somehow seem familiar, Jimding ponders love and loss, trial and error, betrayal and abandonment, the sublime and the ridiculous, and good times and bad with a mix of irony, exasperation, and an appreciation for the absurdities of life.
Coming gigs:
Gluren bij de Buren
Living room concert
Sunday, February 2
12:00 - 15:30
3 x 30 minute sets at 12:00, 13:30 and 15:00
Valkenboskade 182
Den Haag
Estaminet Schommelen
It's so small that every seat is a great seat.
Thursday, June 12 - 21:00-midnight
Lokhorststraat 19