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Financial planning: Is your time slipping away?, Share, Aegon’s worldwide employee magazine, Spring, 2015.

Rise of the Silver Surfer, A Magazine, January 2014.

Neanderthals: Savages or the first interior decorators?, A Magazine, May 2013.

The Eye of the Storm: an insight into the challenges of doing business in Pakistan, A Magazine, February 2011.

A New World Order: an interview with economist and inventor of the BRIC acronym Jim O'Neill. A Magazine, September, 2010.
Can you Digg it: why social media is the only thing to do online. A Magazine, May, 2010.
When tomorrow comes. A Magazine, May, 2010.
The Metaphysics of Sustainable Architecture. A Magazine, November, 2009.
The Walls Come Tumbling Down: recalling the fall of the wall. A Magazine, November, 2009.
Character Witness. Script writer for performance piece by Nicoline van Harskamp, November, 2008.
War on Waste. A Magazine, October, 2008.
From Reaction to Prevention: Civil Society Forging Partnerships to Prevent Conflict and Build Peace, Conference Report. Utrecht: Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict, 2006.
Peacebuilding Initiatives in Indonesia: Seminar Report. Utrecht : European Centre for Conflict Prevention, 2005
People Building Peace 2, Contributor. Utrecht: European Centre for Conflict Prevention, 2004.
Searching for Peace in Asia Pacific: An Overview of Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Activities, Contributor. Utrecht: European Centre for Conflict Prevention, 2004. 
“Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, in The Power of the Media: A Handbook for Peacebuilders. Utrecht: European Center for Conflict Prevention, 2003.
Searching for Peace in Central and South Asia: An Overview of Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Activities, Contributor. Utrecht: European Centre for Conflict Prevention, 2003.
We’re Different: The History of Akzo Nobel Car Refinishes. 2002.
Conflict Prevention in Central Asia: The Role of the OSCE, Principal author and co-editor. Utrecht: European Centre for Conflict Prevention, 2002.
“Picking Appropriate Strategies, Gauging Their Impact, and Remembering What Works”, in Towards Better Peacebuilding Practice: On Lessons Learned , Evaluation Practices and Aid & Conflict. Utrecht: European Centre for Conflict Prevention, 2002.
Searching for Peace in Europe and Eurasia: An Overview of Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Activities, Contributor. Utrecht: European Centre for Conflict Prevention, 2002.
“Form Follows Function”, corporate brochure for ARV Group, Arnhem, The Netherlands, 2001.
“Innovation and People: the art of managing wild and crazy ideas”. Facts & Features, September, 2001.
“40 years of the Pill”, News & Views (the Akzo Nobel corporate magazine), April, 2000.
“Dossier e-business” Principal writer for special supplement to News & Views, April, 2000.
Searching for Peace in Africa: An Overview of Conflict Prevention and Management Activities, Contributor. Utrecht: European Centre for Conflict Prevention, 1999.
People Building Peace: 35 Inspiring Stories from Around the World, Contributor. Utrecht: European Centre for Conflict Prevention, 1999.
“A Series of Major Projects Gives The Hague an Upgrade”, Architectural Record, October, 1998.
“Amsterdam is IT: Amsterdam is meeting the challenges of the information age head-on”, Amsterdam - The Magazine, Autumn, 1997.
“Incongruous Riga”, Buffalo News, April, 1996.
“The Dance of the Nat-Ka-Daw”; TravelMag, April, 1996.
“Underground Rising: The collapsed Soviet coup has brought that fractured nation’s alternative culture to the surface”, Metro, August, 1991.
“Past Imperfect; Future Indefinite — Sleepwalking Through History: America in the Reagan Years by Haynes Johnson and The Next Century by David Halberstam” (review), Positive Alternatives, Summer, 1991.
“East Side Rising: Latino political power awaits its day in the sun”, Metro, July, 1991.
“The Sustainable Metropolis”, Metro, April, 1990.
“The Party’s Over: Glasnost speeds Russia’s inevitable de-colonization process”, Metro, February, 1990.
“Which Way to Central Europe?” Peace Review, Fall, 1989.
“Fear and Revolution: Russia faces the future with uncertainty and hope”, Metro, November, 1989.
“Lost in America: On the wrong side of the tracks of the American dream”, Metro, March, 1989.
“House of the Rising Sum: How landlords are illegally profiting from the housing crisis”, Metro, July, 1987.
“Arms to Iran: The Silicon Valley Connection”, Metro, December, 1986.


Make More of Marketing, internal marketing newsletter for Akzo Nobel marketing professionals (2006-2010).
CSR Report 2005. Akzo Nobel, 2006.
The Power of the Media: A Handbook for Peacebuilders. Utrecht: European Center for Conflict Prevention, 2003.
Searching for Peace. This is a series of publications produced by the European Centre for Conflict Prevention. To date, the series includes publications on Africa (1999), Europe and Eurasia (2002), and Central and South Asia (2003), and Asia Pacific (2004). In addition to contributions to the series, I have served as one of the principal copy editors.
People Building Peace: 35 Inspiring Stories from Around the World, Utrecht: European Centre for Conflict Prevention, 1999.
European Museum Guide. Published by Museum Media Publishers, 1995, 1996, 1997.
Citizen’s Guide to Military Base Clean-up and Conversion, Co-author and editor. Published by the Center for Economic Conversion and the Military Toxics Project, 1993.
“User’s Guide to Silicon Valley” Project coordinator for special issue of Metro, 1990.
Looking At the Middle East Puzzle, Co-editor and contributor. Published by Humanitas International and the Resource Center for Nonviolence, 1983.
The Freeze Economy, Co-editor and contributor. Published by the Mid-Peninsula Conversion Project and the Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign, 1983.



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