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Writing, editing, reporting, research, translation, resources, and more
travel tales and other musings



The new band -  Sexy shuffles, blue-tinted love songs, deviant country ditties, 

raucous rock ’n’ roll, and various and sundry other musical offerings

Dubious blues, disconnected roots, counterfeit country & western,
improbable jazz, and more
Jim Wake & Sleepwalker (1994-2014)
blues with a twist
rock and roll with a hop and a skip
country and western with tongue in cheek
plus quasi-tango, pseudo-Caribbean, proto-klezmer, etc.



commercial journalism • investigative journalism • reporting • editing • creative copy writing
research • communications consulting • editorial management • Dutch to English translation • rhythm and blues

Havenkade 3 • 2586 TS Den Haag • NEDERLAND
tel. +31 (0)70 338-7476 • mobile: +31 (0)6 28 960065

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